In this workshop, writer Andrea Currie will weave a number of approaches to explore these themes:
· reading from her recently published book Finding Otipemisiwak The People Who Own Themselves, and speaking to the relationship between writing, nurturing self-compassion, deepening our capacity for empathy, and healing;
· invite participants to try writing exercises designed to facilitate their own personal exploration of these themes; and
· provide opportunities to share thoughts and insights, and read from the writings created by the participants.
Andrea’s facilitation aligns with the teachings she has received from her Elder and mentor, Dr. Albert Marshall, about how our best learning experiences occur when we create a co-learning community with everyone present.
Andrea Currie is a writer, healer, and activist born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and currently living in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. She is a psychotherapist working in Indigenous mental health and has accompanied the We'koqma'q Residential School Survivors on their healing journey for the past twenty years.